
Beach Cleanups

Beach Squad Beach Cleanups

In 2024, over 500 volunteers participating in Beach Squad beach cleanups removed over 1,800 lbs of trash from the Daytona Beach Coastline!

Our mission at Beach Squad includes encouraging individuals and organizations to actively participate in environmental sustainability, as well as community involvement.

Quick Links:

Beach Cleanup Opportunities

Create A Group Cleanup

Create a cleanup for your group or corporation

Group Cleanups can be scheduled for any day of the week, any day of the year.

Join A Weekly Cleanup

Free to Sign Up!

Join us anytime on Sunday's from 8:30am - 10:45am

(March - September)


Support clean and safe beaches for everyone to enjoy!

Our Sponsorship Superstars

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Beach Squad in the News

Beach Squad Beach Cleanups on News 6 Orlando, FL

You are Actually Saving Lives

Our sandy shores are more than just beautiful; they're vital ecosystems and cherished community spaces.


Cleaning up trash from the beach prevents marine animals from ingesting harmful debris or getting entangled, reducing the risk of injury and death caused by pollution in their habitats.


Why Join a Beach Squad Beach Cleanup?


You're doing much more than just a cleanup...


Environmental Contribution:

Every piece of trash you pick up is one less threat to marine life and the health of our oceans. 

You are literally saving lives!


Community Building:

Create new friendships and become part of a positive community of like-minded individuals.


Earn Volunteer Hours with Purpose:

Joining Beach Squad isn't just an adventure—it's a valuable opportunity!


Students, listen up!


You can earn volunteer hours for school scholorship programs and community service requirements while enjoying the morning on the beach.


Personal Growth:

By simply helping clean the beach you naturally gain a sense of fulfillment and leadership skills that will help keep you feeling positive all day, every day!


Preserve Paradise:

Your efforts ensure that Daytona Beach remains a pristine paradise for generations to come.

Enjoy the Beach While Helping The Environment



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